What We Buy
Certain items under the Florida State Statues Law have special regulations:
All items (Refrigerators, Freezers, HVAC) containing refrigerant must have a written and signed statement from a Certified Refrigerant Recovery Technician. Proof of ownership is required for regulated metals.
Statement Must Include:
On Company Letterhead the statement must state: Company Name, Address, & Phone Number of the Certified Technician with the Date and Time specifying removal of refrigerant.
A signed statement from the person delivering the regulated metals indicating that she or he is the rightful owner of, or is entitled to sell the regulated metals as property being sold.
Click HERE to read the Second Hand Metals Ordinances
Ferrous Metals
Please Call First for Instructions to Prep Recyclables & Maximize Your Profits!
​•All Appliances
•Whole Vehicles
(With & Without Titles )
•Lawn Mowers
(Riding/Push Mowers
Gas, Oil, Oil Plug, & Battery Removed)
Non-Ferrous Metals
•All Grades of Aluminum
•Aluminum Cans
•Stainless Steel
•Auto Radiators
(Aluminum / Copper)
(Aluminum / Copper / Insulated)​
​•Automotive Batteries
•Electric Motors
•Circuit Boards
​​Materials Not Purchased
Phone Books
Books (Hard/Paperback)
Junk Mail​
Special Note :
Du​e to Local/State EPA Laws, We Are Unable Accept...
Oil Filters (except on complete vehicles only)
Cleaning Solvent Containers